Doorknob EvangelismDoorknob Evangelism

Doorknob Evangelism


This is a resource website for discovering how to begin and build your own Doorknob Evangelism outreach.

This site is sponsored by a group of self funded Christian volunteers who teach and help other Christian brothers and sisters how to reach their local communities through doorknob evangelism with the "Good News of Jesus Christ", the Son of God, the Savior of all who believe, and the King of His Father's Kingdom, both in heaven and on earth. We rejoice that He is being proclaimed in ever widening circles throughout the USA.

Do you sense the same calling? Come join us in the coming harvest as seed planters because "every farmer knows unless you plant the seed you will never have a harvest" ... we can pray over the seed in the barn all we want but it ain't never going to grow a thing until we do the labor it takes to sow it into the ground. In that same parable we too are the seed that needs to fall in the ground and die so we can bear much fruit. This fruit is eternal. Much of it we will never know about till we get there. This is a faith ministry. We believe His promises and seek the heavenly reward yet we never deserved a thing.

We will continue to post helpful resource materials so check back often. If you have questions and need assistance always feel free to contact us.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son!